
Deep Tissue

What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep tissue massage involves realigning deeper, tighter muscles. It is used for chronic pain and aches including stiff neck, low back pain, sore shoulders, and leg muscle tightness.

Deep tissue strokes are similar to those used in classic massage therapy only that the movement is slower and pressure is concentrated on areas of pain and tension to get to the sub-layers of muscle and fascia.

How does Deep Tissue Massage Work?

In case of chronic muscle injury or tension, there may be adhesions (a band of scar tissue) in tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Adhesions block circulation, leading to pain, limited movement, and inflammation.

Our deep tissue massage in Paris, Texas works by physically breaking down those adhesions to relieve pain and restore normalcy in the body’s movement. To achieve this, our therapists use clean oils and utilize deep pressure.

Deep Tissue massage
Deep Tissue Massage

What are the benefits of deep tissue massage?

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